Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update !

My hair just a couple of days ago... It is soo much darker now :)

So it’s formal tomorrow…

I’m so lucky I have my bestfriend/boyfriend to go with (even though he is wearing this dorky guitar tie) but that won’t matter because for one night, one final night im not going to give a FUCK what anyone thinks of me.
Everything that has happened at school WILL NOT BOTHER ME :)
The only things I want from tomorrow night is LOTS of pretty pictures and to look way better than her.
Bring on tomorrow.

Other updates:
- I have also now completed all of my HSC exams and come mid december... the results..
- Martin & I have now been together 9 months! <3
- I dyed my hair dark :)

Right now, I can't be happier.