Tuesday, August 16, 2011

since we're on the topic...

1. What I want to be?

A singer, real estate person or photographer.

2. What I am wearing right now?

School jersey & jeans.

3. My last night out in detail?

A lot went on but I don't remember a lot of it... hahaha ;D

4. First thing you thought about this morning?

Never getting out of bed again :/

5. One person from blogger i’d throw off a cliff, one i’d marry and one i’d fuck?

Uhm. No one.

6. Have you ever wished on a shooting star?

Amazingly enough I saw my first shooting star on the way back from dinner with Martin on our  6 month :D So that would be a, yes.

7. My longest relationship and who it was with?

3 years, with my ex ex.

8. What my last text message says?

"haha thanks :)  Woah serious? That sucks! Poor person :/ And wow, that  really does sum us up :D I love you soo much! :D xxxxx

9. What kind of person attracts you?

A Martin kind of person :)

10. Is it hard to make you laugh?

It really depends on my mood, but most of the time, no.

11. Do you act differently around the person you like?

I hope to think I don't, and i'm pretty certain I don't.

12. Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?

Just a bit... Jokes! He means everything to me!

13. What’s stopping you from going for the person you like?

There isn't anything. Im going out with the person I love :)

14. Who would you like to see right now?


15. Are you missing someone?

Yes. My grandma. R.I.P. </3

16. What I find attractive in boys/girls?

Personality & fresh breath.

17. Do you drink?

On occasion.

18. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did?

Im sure there is. But I think it's to do with my honesty. Oh well.

19. The one person who’s arms I’d like to be in?

These questions are kind of repetitive... Anyways, yes, Martin's. lol.

20. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

Most definitely!

21. If i’ve done something I regretted very much?

I try and make amends & take karma as it comes.

22. What was the last party I went to, and when will the next be?

Last party was just before holidays, next party is weekend after next.

23. The last time I felt jealous, and why?

I don't remember.. Im not that jealous of much.

24. Last person you hugged?

My dad.

25. Your last kiss?


26. What you wear to bed?

Comphy, baggy pj pant and Martin's oversized jersey :) 

27. Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is?


28. Picture of yourself?

Im sure you can find a couple on my blogger... haha :)

29. Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?

I sure have/am.

30. The reason behind my last break up?

He had bad breath and I didn't think of him as boyfriend material.

31. The last compliment that you’ve received?

I like that you're naturally pretty, funny, so nice. I love your photography ♥

32. My favourite actors/actresses?

I don't particularly have any favourites.

33. Celebrity crush?

Don't have one.

34. My favorite book?

I have a couple..

35. A famous person I’ve been compared to?

When I sung in front of people, I was compared to the singer Norah Jones.

36. The best thing that has happened to me this week?

I sung in front of people & made a career decision :D

37. Do you believe in abortion?

I believe it is completely up to the person considering getting one.

39. Something i’m currently worrying about.

School results. HSC.

40. Your own question that you want me to answer. 

What do you want to do with your life & where so you see yourself being in 10 years? :)


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